How to Select the Right Fractional CMO for Your Business

As a marketing leader, you need to select the right fractional CMO for your business. Here are some factors to consider when hiring a fractional CMO.

How to Select the Right Fractional CMO for Your Business

As a marketing leader, you know that the success of your business depends on the quality of the information you get from your fractional CMO. But how do you select the right one? Chief Outsiders can help you find the right fractional CMO with more than 125 available. Here are some factors to consider when hiring a fractional CMO. The first factor to consider is the experience of the fractional CMO in marketing. They should have achieved excellence in marketing leadership and have achieved proven results.

It's also important to consider their marketing process, system of working with other companies, and recommendations on how they intend to work with you in a marketing function. Additionally, their business model should be taken into account. The second factor is the quality of the information you get from your fractional CMO. They should provide you with a report that outlines your organization's marketing roadmap. This report should include their responsibility for managing the money invested in paid advertising, paid media and social management, and paid SEO. The third factor is the amount of time that person needs to learn the relevant aspects of your company.

A fractional CMO generally works on an advance basis and is compensated depending on the amount of time required for hiring. Startups could consider hiring a fractional CMO to manage their fledgling marketing aspirations. Finally, it's important to consider how well they align with your corporate culture. Becoming a fractional CMO can be as simple as “saving money and seeking part-time marketing contracts at the executive level.”.

Mike Volkin
Mike Volkin

Fractional CMO, author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur